The Oldest known musical melody performed by the very talented Michael Levy on the Lyre. This ancient musical fragment dates back to 1400 B.C.E. and was discovered in the 1950's in
Who do you think won this rap battle?
See Nidal's song (yes, that's really him singing!):
See BTS making of the two videos: htt
My experience flying overnight from New York's JFK Airport to Casablanca, the largest city in Morocco.
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We got North Africans from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Sudan to tackle the most common stereotypes, ranking them true, false.. or something in between.
We used E
all music rights belong to their rightful owners. always support the musicians and buy their music.
listen on soundcloud:
all music rights belong to their rightful owners. always support the musicians and buy their music.
listen on soundcloud:
Privatelabel Deathraw Music Artiste - Umusepela Crown Goes In Deep As He Takes His Stance On The Covid - 19 Pandemic.
The Video Is Shot/Directed By Umusepela Chile While Eddie
all music rights belong to their rightful owners. always support the musicians and buy their music.
Sweet Game est une manière d'honorer les femmes....
"Une femme est l’amour, la gloire et l’espérance ; Aux enfants qu’elle guide, à l’homme consolé, Elle élève le cœur et cal
We test the African's knowledge of their own (extremely diverse) continent to see how much they know and what they really think about each other.
Kuduro Playlist: https://bit.
Egypt today is the largest Arabic-speaking nation in the world, but the Ancient Egyptians spoke a completely different language. So how did things change?
We got North Africans from Algeria, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt to express how they feel about each other, and to show what they actually know about their neighbouring
What North Africans Really Think About Each Other? (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya,& Egypt) | The Demouchets REACT
▹Original video:
Play Supremacy1914 for FREE on PC, Android, and iOS and receive an amazing starter pack, only available for the next 30 days!
Welcome back to an all new Season! Is it worth it to spend the winter in Egypt? Find out in this week’s episode where we discuss our options, include the costs of berthing and visa
I can't even begin to explain what happened in this match. You guys try to figure it out.
Dave's book on Spigot weapons, including the Hedgehog:
في عدد اليوم من سلسلة أنا اليوم أشارك معكم تغطية حفل إفتتاح ألعاب البحر الأبيض المتوسط المقامة في وهران
اليوم وصلنا مدينة العلم والعلماء، مدينة الصخر العتيق والجسور المعلقة في الجزائر - مدينة قسنطينة
instagram انستغرام ➭
Music i used i
فيديو اليوم من أرض الصومال - وقريباً بإذن الله في مقديشو - شكراً على حسن الضيافه
instagram انستغرام ➭
● Music i used in this video -