Dollars singing an old Zimbabwean Shona song.
Local guitarist Ntsima Matutu playing the song "Sixpack"
The late old man Guitarist Kabu entertaining folks outside the sepoto.
Local Musician Kagiso singing the song Machingilani.
Contact; ** - 267 -7286 4199.
KB going ahead on da green monster !
Brother of Ronnie, Kebabonye Moipolai singing his song.
KB came over with another song.
The brothers Ronnie and Kebabonye doing a tune with 12 fingers.
Obed from Tlokweng singing his song.
Local musician Ofentse nicknamed "Police" playing his song.
Ronnie performing more of his tricks in another tune.
Ronnie visited and delivered a tune.
Ronnie's pregnancy tune.
Ronnie's pregnancy tune.
Ronnie singing one of his latest.
The MAN, Ronnie Moipolai from Kopong Village on Baloi. (witches)
A new tune by an old friend.
The first 1 of the new year by Ronnie.
Local musician Ronnie playing Itshoke Tsvangirai, meaning "be patient Tsvangirai"
Ronnie passed by 2 deliver another 1.
Ronnie arrived early and had to......
Ronnie bringing his tune "stand up" style.
Ronnie THE MAN doing it !
Local musician Ronnie playing his song "Pidipidi", meaning "duck"
Sebongile rockin' about an old flame.