Exil - Ancient Egypt music [Original soundtrack]

  • "A long time ago, in ancient Egypt, Neferkare, a respected scribe, was unjustly accused of treason by the priests of Amon. Condemned to exile, he wandered in the desert until he found refuge with a nomadic tribe. He shared his knowledge with them in exchange for their hospitality.Years passed, and Neferkare became an important member of the tribe, teaching the children the art of writing and preserving the tribe's stories and traditions on papyrus scrolls. His reputation reached Thebes, and the new pharaoh lifted his exile. Neferkare returned to Thebes as a hero. He was welcomed with honors and regained his place in the library.Thus, Neferkare became a symbol of resilience and wisdom, reminding everyone that truth and justice always prevail."
    Composer : Tyle
    Vocal arrangements : Amy Wallace
    Title from the album "Eternal Whispers" : fanlink.tv/Eternalwhispers
    Follow Amy Wallace : www.youtube.com/@AmyWallaceVocalist
    Follow Tyle : linktr.ee/tyle.composer
    #orchestra #ancient #egypt #music

    Category : Egypt Music Videos


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