• We dreamt of change, a brighter day
    They told us freedom was on the way
    But the streets still cry, and hope fades away
    In the land of the new, where lies still stay
    In the new Algeria, promises are broken
    Words they spoke, but truth unspoken
    We built our dreams on shifting sand
    Now we're left with empty hands
    They painted skies with colors bold
    Told us stories, we were sold
    But nothing's changed, the scars remain
    The people's hearts are filled with pain
    In the new Algeria, promises are broken
    Words they spoke, but truth unspoken
    We built our dreams on shifting sand
    Now we're left with empty hands
    We stood tall, believed their lies
    But now we see through their disguise
    Our hopes were high, our voices loud
    But now we march, without a crowd
    In the new Algeria, promises are broken
    Words they spoke, but truth unspoken
    We built our dreams on shifting sand
    Now we're left with empty hands
    The new Algeria, the same old story
    No glory, just fading memory
    We still fight, but the battle's long
    In the new Algeria, where hope’s gone wrong.

    Category : Algeria Music Videos


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